"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15
"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." - John 9:4

Ministry Experience
Church Pianist (18 years)
Sunday School Assistant (4 years)
Sunday School Teacher (5 years)
VBS Teachers Assistant (3 years)
VBS Teacher (7 years)
VBS Assistant Director (3 years)
VBS Co-Director (2 years)
VBS Director (2 years)
Puppet Plays and Skits
Nursing Home and Homebound Ministry

Associate Degree Nursing
Bachelor's in the Science of Nursing
Medical Missions Intensive (MMI) - Village and Remote Medicine (equipinternational.org)
Advanced Missions Training through Baptist Bible Translators Institute (Home - Baptist Bible Translators Institute (baptisttranslators.com)
Three year Bible Degree from Faith Bible Institute

Work Experience
Housekeeping (6 years)
Kindergartener (1 year)​
College English (1 year)
Private Duty Nurse (2 years)
Clinic Nurse (1 year)
Long-term Care Facility (1 1/2 years)​
Orthopedic Unit (1 year)
Physical Rehab Unit (2 years)
Travel Nurse (1 year)
Christian School Teacher
9th -12th grade Science​
10th grade History